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A former middle school principal, I am blissfully enjoying retirement with the Headmaster! Thank you for visiting, commenting, and following!

06 December 2012

Trying SO Hard to Finish !

I have been trying to figure out why it's taking me so long to get this house decorated for the holidays. Could it be that: 
1.  We made a trip down here in late October for a wedding, then turned around and went back to Wisconsin for a family Thanksgiving?
2.  Came right back down here and prepared the entire traditional Thanksgiving for the family here?
3.  Have aging parents with needs and appointments that only I can fill?

All are correct answers.  It's Thursday evening, and I'm sitting here in the kitchen waiting for the dishwasher to finish and looking around wondering how I'm going to get this all done.  The tree is up, but not decorated.  A mantel is calling me to get the pumpkins from Thanksgiving off and get the stockings up!

Multitudes of boxes are sitting all over the house...waiting to be emptied of their trimmings or to be banished to the attic year?

I do have a few things up, but I just can't get myself jump started to finish.  Is anyone else in my shoes?  I keep telling myself that my Christmas decorations will stay up until Twelfth Night (and they will), so that's the excuse I use every day that I don't get it all done.  I know that some take theirs down the day after Christmas; mine will have at least another twelve days, so that's how I rationalize this dilemma.  

Hopefully, the Christmas spirit will take hold soon (it's difficult in 80 degree weather here) and I'll spring into action.  Right now, though, I'm dragging.  Is there anyone else out there like me?

Not sharing this with any parties/blogs.  Just my own rumbling and whining.  Thank  you for allowing me to do so.


  1. H! I'm from Wisconsin too! Nice to meet you! I totally understand...and you are not alone. I'm behind, and I don't have any excuse, except for life! There are just things that have to get done. My tree isn't up either, and my house is only partially decorated...I'm here to tell you, it's OKAY!! We have plenty of time...relax, and enjoy your weekend! This will be our little secret! ;)

    1. Donnmae, thank you so much for responding! I'm glad I'm not alone in all of this. Where are YOU in Wisconsin? We live there during the summer, in Louisiana during the winter. Thank you again!

  2. Nancy, clearly your plate is running over. Relax, and enjoy putting up your things. Blogging puts pressure on us to start early too. xo, olive

    1. Thank you, Olive! I just needed to WHINE and VENT! I so appreciate that you responded! Thank you!

  3. Aww...Nancy! You've been one busy lady and you know what? It's okay not to be finished with your Christmasing. I think Blogland has a tendency to make us think we should all be 'Wonder Woman'. Just enjoy like and do what you can. the older I get the slower I get. I work for about 30 minutes and then have to sit down for hours! :)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Nancy, I'm about as behind as you are. I have a wreath on the door. that's it. I thought I was starting earlier this year, but I keep getting behinder ! We're your Texas neighbors, so know very well how 85 degrees can bring down the Christmas spirit. :-) I have to remember that it's in my heart, not in the decorations.



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