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A former middle school principal, I am blissfully enjoying retirement with the Headmaster! Thank you for visiting, commenting, and following!

10 February 2013


The last parade of the season in Baton Rouge is the infamous, notorious, Spanish Town Parade, which takes place in a most unique part of downtown.  It draws tens of thousands of people and is just the most fun!
We are soooo fortunate to have friends who live on the parade route; we are among the dozens who are lucky enough to be invited to their home (parking, bathroom, etc!).  

The symbol of the parade is the pink flamingo; that's a whole other story, and pink is the color du jour!
The theme every year reflects (loosely) some event, usually political, to which all can relate.  We've had the BP oil spill, lots of local political embarrassments, etc. in past years.  This year was the Hostess Twinkie debacle!  Herewith are some of the highlights (!) from this year!

 Our good friend and host, in the purple glasses, was the Grand Marshall!

 Spanish Town is a very old, interesting, and unique part of downtown.

 The Capitol Grocery is a landmark... is the State Capitol.

A hastily made sign so that all would know WE have friends in HIGH places!

 Keeping us all safe!

Tutus were apparently the dress of the day, though The Headmistress did NOT appear in one (she did, however wear one here for Halloween)!
The requisite 'Second Line' led the parade; usually, the second line comes at the END of a parade, but, then, this is Spanish Town!

A reference to the theme...

Most of the Krewes have 'fun' names!

A sea of hands!  The Headmaster and I rode one year and it was the most fun I've ever had; to see thousands of people with their arms outstretched waiting for a tacky pair of beads...just the best!
This particular krewe (one of my favorites) added a State of Con-Stant Embarrassment.  The 'Con' refers to the plethora of our Louisiana politicians who have spent some time in jumpsuits - and there are quite a few!

A float blowing soap suds!  You just never know what you'll see!

I hope you've enjoyed this virtual Mardi Gras Parade and also hope that I haven't offended anyone!  I had to eliminate some of the photos, but they are on FB!

It's Spanish Town, y'all!


  1. Sounds like a fun way to spend the day!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I grew up in Baton Rouge and miss a real Mardi Gras! At least now I can make my own king cakes in my DC kitchen :)

    1. You should come back for Spanish Town one year, Bonnie! Thanks for commenting!


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